The series follows Detective Robert Grant, a seasoned 'Big City' detective who, after years of struggling with past trauma and guilt, takes on one of the most complex cases of his career. The murder of a local woman, Martha Bradley, and the killer's disappearance bring Detective Grant to a small town where he hopes to find redemption for his past mistakes. As he delves deeper into the victim's life, he interviews Emily Thornton, a battered woman with a dark secret. Through his conversations with Emily and his investigation of the murder, Detective Grant uncovers a story of abuse, desperation, and the lengths a person may go to protect themselves and those they love.
As Detective Grant continues his investigation, he is forced to confront his own past failures and struggles to reconcile his desire for atonement with the challenge of solving the case. However, as Detective Grant's worthy detective work invites a gruesome turn of events, he questions his sanity in a small town where he can trust no one. Despite the obstacles and dangers, he encounters, Detective Grant remains determined to bring the killer to justice and finally find the redemption he has been seeking.
Our pillars of impact are centered on connecting with the community, fundraising, and spreading awareness about domestic violence and its mental health challenges.
To ensure our project authentically reflects the struggles of domestic violence, we'll be actively collaborating with local support organizations. This includes nonprofits, police departments' task forces, and shelters. We believe in empowering survivors; we will be offering opportunities for them to be involved in the project development process, even providing a work stipend as a form of support. Furthermore, to ensure a sensitive and supportive environment, trauma-informed care specialists will be brought on board to guide our interactions with survivors.
To enrich the production and support our local community, we'll actively seek partnerships with businesses. This collaboration could take several forms: acquiring wardrobe and production props through local businesses, integrating tasteful product placements, and exploring co-branding opportunities. We'll also pursue funding through grants, crowdfunding campaigns, sponsorships, and advertising partnerships. Additionally, some businesses may be eligible for tax benefits by supporting our project. These partnerships will not only strengthen our production value but also foster a sense of community engagement.
To shed light on critical issues, we'll be sharing valuable insights on mental health, domestic violence, and battered women's syndrome throughout the project. We'll leverage project PR, such as podcast interviews, to raise awareness and spark important conversations about these topics.
Events & Workshops
Panel Discussions
Trauma-informed Trainings
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